Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Outdoor projects

The sun is out, I'm not pregnant or newly recovering from the birth experience, so I am getting outdoors and getting some projects done. I also have two very will employees to help out with my various chores. First on patio clean up is my newest employee, Adi. Although the hose to spray down our patio and remove the years of built up mud and moss is actually taller than she is, she happily volunteered to do the job. Such a good work ethic at such a young age. 
Since Bri's almost 3 I figured it was about time to teach her how to use power tools. She is a Teodoro after-all. So I set her up breaking down pallets so I could build some flower beds. Don't worry, I taught the proper safety measures needed before operating a power tool, mainly safety glasses and gloves. Don't worry about the fact that the gloves are on the wrong hands and way to big, oh, and that she is not wearing shoes. I figure the best way to learn is to just get in there and do it right? What a great example for her little sister.
Well with my two beauties working diligently near by, I, being a manager a heart, took up my post managing and directing their activities. I clearly worked the hardest this afternoon.

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