What a difference a week made huh? I finally feel like I look a little more pregnant and a little less “full.” I’ve been feeling the little peanut moving around for a few weeks now and have even felt him once with my hands which was pretty exciting. Steve is still waiting for that privilege.
So what is my pregnant super power you ask. Ready? It’s a big one. I can now cut onions without crying! That’s right, Steve had been the designated onion cutter in our house since just starting to slice through one would create such tears in my eyes that I couldn’t see what I was doing and risked the loss of a finger if I continued the task. But low and behold, just this week, no one was home while I was making dinner so I was prepared to attack the onion with my usual procedure: make a cut, run out of the kitchen crying, wait for stinging to subside, blow my nose and charge back in to make another cut. But this time… nothing. Not one tear, not one sniffle, no stingy eyes, it was amazing! So pregnancy has given me the super power of cutting onions. If crying while cutting onions is a problem you have, give me a call. I’ll come over and help you out. It’s a gift, I can’t let it go to waste.
And now for a corny picture…
Ahhhhh, the baby’s my heart. How cute.