Sunday, September 19, 2010

Accidental Vacation Day 7

We had a relaxing morning at the hotel and breakfast with Andrea and Isaac before heading out. The plan for today was pretty much just to drive since everyone said not to bother with Delaware. They were right.


This is an east coast thing I guess, but instead of Carl’s Jr. and Green Burrito like they have in California, there’s Hardee’s and Red Burrito in Delaware.


The unfortunate thing about driving south (when you’re in the northern hemisphere) is that the sun is in front of you and consequently very hot. While not pretty, the umbrella did help with the sun issue but would have been bad if the airbag went off.


The most exciting thing in Delaware was probably when we got gas and found out that we were getting 35mpg instead of the 31 or 32 we got previously. This is likely due to the 45 and 55mph speed limits. One guy was nice though and head a sign in his front yard that warned us of the speed trap ahead.

Whoo, Virginia.


We paid our most expensive toll yet (unless you count the ferry from Connecticut to Long Island) for the bridge/tunnel toll across the opening to Chesapeake Bay. That would be Chesapeake Bay behind us.


We got to our hotel just relaxed for the evening since we spent 6 hours driving 290 miles today. At least there wasn’t any traffic so that was nice.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We used to eat at Hardee's all the time. I didn't know they were the same as Carl's Jr. If you run into a steak and shake you have to stop...super good. The best cheese fries and milkshakes.